The current commentary is succinct(简明的) and in a sensible(合理的) priority order given the order of Achilty’s objectives. However, it does not address all of the objectives and the comments are sometimes vague.
The first point does address the primary objective but the claim that performance is satisfactory when the test is that growth occurs and, currently, performance is static seems questionable.
The second point measures the attractiveness of the product range through the sales growth and this appears a reasonable financial measure.
The third point is indirectly related to customer satisfaction which is notoriously(众所周知得) difficult to measure. However, combined with the growing sales, the comment about average spend and growing number of customers appear to indicate satisfaction.
However, a better measure might consider the number of active accounts rather than all accounts and, in fact, this number has fallen in the year from about 594,000 to 588,000 but this is covered by the large rise in average spend per purchase. Average spend per customer in the period is a better measure of customer satisfaction than average spend per purchase.